Our team


Györgyi Kristóf
Managing Director, Interim Manager Specialist
telephone: +36 30 250 33 32
email address: gyorgyi.kristof@hammelhochreiter.com


Rajmund Virágh
Managing Director, Succession Planning Specialist
telephone: +36 30 966 97 53
email address: rajmund.virag@hammelhochreiter.com


Péter Fejős
HH Interim Partner, Chairman of the Hammel & Hochreiter Interim Manager Alumni Club
telephone: +36 30 464 84 82
email address: peter.fejos@hammelhochreiter.com


Csilla Horváthné Török
Back Office Manager
telephone: +36 30 240 20 12
email address: csilla.torok@hammelhochreiter.com

Hammel & Hochreiter Business & Management Consulting brings together managers who have gained experience as senior managers at medium and large companies in Hungary and the region. Our company offers its services for its Clients in multinational, international and Hungarian ownership based on the professional background of the members of the professional association which was established based on the Dutch example, and Hammel & Hochreiter Academy’s development programme for all strategic and functional areas of management, in all industries.

Through our constant and continuously growing team of managers and experts, our Clients can use the support of senior managers and experts who have proven experience in the field in a transparent and cost-efficient manner. Hammel & Hochreiter, with the involvement of its service and training divisions, also undertakes the task of ensuring the continuously increasing necessary background of interim managers through the organisation of training, conferences, and events.

Team photos:




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„Átcsoportosítottam három projektet, és ezzel megoldható lett, hogy vállaljuk a

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