If you, as a potential interim manager, accept that besides your expertise and experience you will also need to actively work to change to the new career, we are happy to support you in determining those strengths and characteristics which might need to be improved.

With enough openness and self-criticism, it is worth starting this process as it is obvious that interim management is not a suitable profession for all, and finding out as soon as possible whether you are suitable to become an interim manager is the best for all concerned.

In case of specific interest, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Online Contact

Please send us your CV to the email address below, and we will answer all your questions during a personal consultation.

Hammel & Hochreiter Training and Customer Service Centre
1124 Budapest, Vas Gereben street 22.
Telephone: +36 1 213 15 39
E-mail: info@hammelhochreiter.com

The phrase, “Every man is the architect of his own fortune”, is particularly true for interim managers. Take the lead and learn more about the trainings and programmes we offer too.
