(Magyar) Sokan álmodozunk a négynapos munkahétről. A közelmúltban megjelent finn álhírrel kapcsolatos reakciók is ezt mutatják. Egyelőre már az is elegendő lenne, ha a munkaidő rugalmasabb lehetne. Carla Baum írása, 2020. január 9. A hír túl szép volt, hogy igaz legyen: Sanna Marin, újonnan megválasztott finn miniszterelnök napi hatórás munkanapra és négynapos munkahétre tesz javaslatot. Gyorsan terjednek a finn koalíciós kormány állítólagos tervei a közösségi médiában. A 34 éves anya, a világ legfiatalabb miniszterelnöke, nem csak a politikába, hanem a munka világába is friss szemléletet hoz. Ez rendben is van. De még sincs. Nem sokkal később a finn kormány a Twitteren egyértelművé teszi, hogy a négynapos hét nem része az új kormányprogramnak, hanem csupán egy ötlet, amelyet Marin mutatott be augusztusban egy panel beszélgetésen.
A crisis is not only a professional but also a psychical challenge that has to be managed by an interim manager.
Many people think that 10-20, or even 30 years spent in professional organizations, mean plenty of professional knowledge to clean up a department or area in a company within 3 to 6, 9 months. Professional experience is a tremendous value in becoming an interim manager. If you have also been
Your Partner in Management
We believe in the power of people and the power of management development Hammel & Hochreiter, the management service provider, quickly adapts to changes and provides on-demand manager resources, experience and knowledge in any company culture and industry, using a lean approach and interim managers. H&H is excellent
Forbes Magazine – September 2019
YOUR PARTNER IN MANAGEMENT We believe in the power of people and the power of management development Hammel & Hochreiter, the management service provider, quickly adapts to changes and provides on-demand manager resources, experience and knowledge in any company culture and industry, using a lean approach and interim managers. H&H
Longer days, shorter weeks – better work?
Traditionally, on June 24 at St. Ivan’s night, we celebrate the shortest night of the year. However, the summer solstice, the start of the astronomical summer, will take place on the 21st of June this year. But the situation is even more complex in the world of work. A recent
Mature Workforce
It is high time to recognise the category of mature workforce on the labour market! Not only because its representatives have been present for a long time but have never been mentioned. Not only because they deserve the attention of the media, just like the new generations. The real reason
It was almost three decades ago that we first experienced the blessings of electronic mailing. After a while we got used to it, moreover, we got addicted to it. We reduced the number of our faxes and snail mails to a mandatory level, and we believed that everything would be
How Successful People Stay Calm
The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance. TalentSmart has conducted research with more than a million people, and we’ve found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress in order to remain calm and
This is what peak car looks like
For many people, privately owned vehicles are becoming replaced by new forms of mobility. Once, the most celebrated vehicle of the 20th century, the automobile is becoming less favorable in many cities around the world today. The reasons are manifold – new transportation options are becoming more popular and concerns
Interim management is more attractive than ever
For the first time in 2019, the industry expects a fee volume of more than 2 billion euros Cologne, 5 February 2019 – The positive trend in interim management in Germany in recent years continues. By the end of 2019, the fee volume for self-employed specialists and executives will exceed 2 billion euro